Thursday 9 May 2013

Evening all!

Hi everyone,

Hope you're having a good day - it's Friday tomorrow! Whoop Whoop!

Been a trying day at work - so glad I only have one day left to work!


1. Driving home today took a different route and saw deer in the woods - what a lovely sight!
2. Bluebells everywhere in the woods and by the roadside.
3. Evening curled on the sofa in front of the telly with Darren - lovely!

so, that's Thursday done and dusted, let's see what Friday brings!

Love and stuff

L xxx

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Ooh it's Wednesday!

Always a nice surprise - I thought it was Tuesday! Only 2 days to go and have a weeks holiday - yeah baby! Anyway, here goes.…

1. Jade bought me back a lovely pair of elephant earrings from Thailand - so thoughtful!
2.  Decided on venue for my party, just need to sort out DJ then I'm done!
3.  Tried a quilled cupcake card tonight - really pleased with how it turned out - see picture below.......

Anyway, that's tonight done - see you tomorrow 

L xxx

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Well it's Tuesday......

Evening all, well it's Tuesday, that means only 3 days left of work before a nice week off!

So for today.…

1. Think i have sorted out the venue for my party - actually think I've got a better deal out of it!
2. Had a nice long chat with both mum and dad this evening!
3. Relaxed on sofa and watched Speed this evening - bliss!

Anyway, off to bed now, see u tomorrow xxx

Monday 6 May 2013

Struggling today.....

To think of any good things that happened, let alone 3? Bad day at work!

1. Went leak spotting with Kayleigh! Liked being a CST for the day!
2. Received a lovely card from Alison
3. Made a couple of cards - pics below.

See I told you I was struggling! Plus I fell asleep last night whilst writing this! Anyway, hope for a better day today

L xxx

Sunday 5 May 2013

Ooopsie - yesterday's 3 good things!

Forgot to do this last night! So here are yesterday's 3…

1. It's amazing, but when things go wrong you realise who your friends are!
2. Met Mum, Caroline and gran for a cuppa at lunchtime and bumped into and old school friend who I haven't seen for about 8 years! Lovely surprise!
3. Planning - both party and holiday - spent a good few hours yesterday evening planning my party and also an itinerary for our holiday - well excited!

Anyway, short and sweet, see you tonight!

L xxx

Saturday 4 May 2013

3 good things - it's Saturday.............

Evening all!

Well it's been a slightly odd day weatherwise - not quite sure what to expect all day!

Had a lovely day off, nice and relaxing and just sat now uploading some 80's tunes!

So here goes with today's things........................

1. Watched Iron Man today - what a great film!
2. Ordered a new mattress - hopefully we'll have a good nights sleep - well in 3 weeks anyway!
3. Spent the day with Darren - haven't seen that much of him this week so nice to spend some time together!

So that's it for today, looking forward to tomorrow

L xxx

Friday 3 May 2013

3 good things for Friday.............

Evening all, well hasn't it been a lovely day again - plus it's Friday!! Whoop whoop! Looking forward to a lovely weekend, let's hope the weather stays good.

Anyway, here's today's 3 things
1. Started designing my party invitations, think they're going to look really good.
2. Also started planning my playlist - had great fun at work dancing around the office to 'oops upside your head!!!!
3. Party night out organised for next Saturday, bring on the drinking!

So that's it for today, looking forward to seeing Iron Man and going mattress shopping tomato, have a good weekend everyone xxx